
Showing posts from June, 2020

Christ's Sanctifying Quarantine

My husband and I decided our front walk-way would look fabulous lined with brick to create a matchy matchy with the brick on our house. We started by hiring professionals to lay a solid cement foundation to keep the bricks from moving. We researched how to lay brick, what mortar to use and shopped several locations before deciding on what brick would line our walkway. In s pring 2019, we marked out several weekends for working on the project. We never anticipated the projecting dragging on a year later. Yet, there we were, trying to complete the hardest home project to date in spring 2020. As we ventured into this unknown, there were mistakes made, problems to resolve and solutions to find. What seemed like a doable home project quickly became overwhelming.  As we sit here during quarantine, a time that seems to be dragging on like our brick project, I'm asking myself, "what is the Lord trying to show me during this time?" This event in our lives brought us all home, s...