Kids and Cleaning
I am the odd one that gets energized by cleaning and organizing. If I'm angry...I clean. If I'm happy...I clean. If I'm tired I...clean. Yup I'm weird. We have each been given unique gifts and talents by God and I think He gave me cleaning as a talent. Some have the gift of being able to rest and be still like Mary in the story of Mary and Martha from the Bible. This is a skill I'm not very good at. But that's OK! We can each support and encourage one another in our uniqueness. If we were all the same; how boring would that be? So whether cleaning and organizing comes easy to you or not; I hope this post encourages you!
Random Tips That Support Cleaning Efforts
* I always have a box I'm filling for our monthly donation. Less stuff means less to clean. When we were getting ready to move three years ago, I developed a habit of donating items. This has become my new philosophy "if its not important enough to pack up and put in a box to move with; then its not important enough to keep."
* I rotate toys which means the Little's don't have access to all their toys at once. See more about how that's accomplished here
* I box and label things. Everything has its place.
* The kids only eat at the table or counter which reduces the amount of food mess in the house.
Before I continue let me state that we shouldn't waste our time cleaning! There really are more rewarding things to dovote our time to. Like playing with our kids, taking a walk, spending time in the Word, relationships, or making time for a hobby! So, before you make cleaning goals; make sure you've prioritized what's REALLY important first. In order for me to make time for what's important, I have to ONLY make time to clean JUST A LITTLE each day and involve the whole family. Since everyone benefits from the space in the home; it should be a team effort. They don't always like it (as pictured) but we try to make it fun with music and rewards when the tasks are completed.
Each day of the week has a designated item(s) to be cleaned or organized. When my second child was born (she is almost 7 now) I started this cleaning system to help alleviate how often I cleaned. I'll explain each of these daily items and how my children are involved in the efforts. This has looked different throughout the years as they've grown. At first, it was mainly me completing the tasks. As the kids get older (right now they are 9, 6, 3, and 2) they will gain more responsibilities to help out!!! There are also daily items I try and keep up on just to avoid major build up and extra work. For Mother's Day this year, my husband gifted me with a 1/month house cleaner. It has been such a blessing and a great way to support another hard working mom. Even so, there is still a lot of cleaning to be done! So here goes...

Daily Items:
* There is something refreshing about waking up to an empty sink. I typically wait until after dinner to tackle this task otherwise I would be at the sink ALL day! Sometimes it waits until after breakfast the following day.
* I make my bed (unless the kids are on vacation; this is when I take a break from a lot of my cleaning). Walking into my room when the bed is made just makes the whole room seem clean.
* I pickup as I walk through the house. There is always something to put away as you walk in and out of different rooms. Today I found 3 hairbrushes in my daughters room that should have been in the bathroom!!
Monday Misc. Day - This is a catch up day if we didn't accomplish a task on a different day.
Tuesday Toilets and Tub Day - The two older kids clean a toilet on this day. I help put the chemical in and they scrub. A Clorox wipe is also used from the top of the toilet to where it meets the floor. It isn't done perfectly but my hope is they'll know how to clean a toilet when they're living on their own. Tubs aren't cleaned every Tuesday because they're not as dirty as a toilet. I usually just grab a bleach pin and rub it along the little yucky spots I might see. I also clean the 3rd toilet in the house.
Wednesday Wash Day - This is laundry day! If there is time, I have the older two kids fold their own clothes. Otherwise I fold and THEY put their clothes away. Their dressers drawers are not clean and organized but they know where the clothes are going. So when they want a particular clothing item; it's right where they put it. I do "maintenance" laundry as needed throughout the week but the main day is Wed. We also wash random windows or know the ones that look real bad with thoothpaste and random splotches of mysterious gunk.
Thursday Throwaway Day - Friday is trash pick up day in our neighborhood. So, Thursday the kids are responsible for grabbing a bathroom trash can and dumping it into the main garbage outside. That way it's all ready for Friday pickup. Each child is responsible for picking up the amount of trash based on their age from their bedroom. It's surprising the amount of trash that just builds up in their rooms!!! Lastly, they each have baskets on the kitchen buffet counter. These baskets get filled during the week (usually by me) of random personal items they have left around the house. These items are to be put away in their rooms and the empty basket returned to the kitchen buffet counter. This is also the day I might deep clean something like a random kitchen drawer, parts of a closet, under a bed, etc.
Friday Floor Day - This is the day our bedroom floors get cleaned. Clothes, toys and other random items must all be put away and then the floor is to be vacuumed. My 6 year old just mastered the task of pushing around the vacuum!! This is the day I sweep the kitchen and laundry room area (yes, crumbs sit for days in our house). I rarely mop but usually throw a wet rag on the ground and spot clean (Again, just being honest).
Saturday Sink Day - Two of the bathroom sinks are the responsibility of the children! At their ages, we just use Clorox wipes on the counters and sponges inside the sinks. I have tried countless ways to bring the brilliant white back to my porcelain kitchen sink. Methods I've tried: vinegar and baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, plain dish soap and a scrub brush and bleach. None of these methods eliminated all the grey scratches and yellowish tinge left behind. Then I discovered Bar Keepers Friend!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! I sprinkled this magic in the sink and scrubbed (a lot) and it made my 20 year old sink look brand-new!!! We'll be having a new sink installed in a couple of weeks and I'll be keeping this product on hand!
Sunday Sit Day - Day of rest
So, there you have it! The house is never all clean at the same time; just parts of it. Its impossible to keep my whole house clean and really its a waste of time to try. This list has taken time to build into a habit. There are days when these tasks are not completed and we simply wait until the following week to do it. I'm looking forward to when all four kids can fully participate!!!
Lastly, (and most importantly) a space can be inviting even if there are dishes in the sink, toys all over the floor or laundry sitting in the corner (this is the current condition of parts of my home right now). A space that has an atmosphere of rest and acceptance is more welcoming than a space that is just clean. May you embrace your space as a place to welcome others no matter the condition of your sink, laundry or toy explosion. Now go spend time on what matters most and schedule time for cleaning later!!!
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Instagram: @at_home_with_dot
You and I think the same!!! And isn't it nice having big kids to do some of the chores?!?! I love it! I have no idea when the last time I emptied the dishwasher!!!
ReplyDeleteIt truly is a beautiful thing!