Through Your Child's Eyes

There are long days (really if we're honest there are long weeks, months and sometimes even years). Days when I barely have time to sit and hold the Little's. Days when I don't want to hold the Little's. Moments when I don't feel like being a mom (just a little honesty here). Then there are days I don't make the best choices in guiding my children. You know? Its those days when you use harsh words, yell and end up hiding in the bathroom. Yup...those kind of days. At the end of these days I feel like a failure as a mom. Ultimately this feeling is a choice I'm making; to feel that I'm a failure. I need to choose to move past it. Here is one way I do just that: I view myself through the eyes of my children. Right now I don't have teenagers so this method could change. Until then, this is what I practice.

If I view myself through the eyes of my children, what would I see?
I think they would see a beautiful lady that holds them in the morning and provides nourishment in many forms during the day. They would see me as their outside explorer and friend. Even though there are difficult moments and mommy mistakes...
The one year old wakes from nap and calls me mamma with a smile. The 9 year old pounds into the house after school with hopes of a snack. The six year old says, "mommy you do so much" as I finish washing the dishes. The 3 yr old offers thank you several times when dinner is placed in front of him. At the end of the day they call me mamma. At the end of the day I'm not a failure. According to my kids and the note they made me, I'm really awesome.

During your hard days as a mom; may you view yourself through the eyes of Christ. He is the one that has placed these children in your arms. Then view yourself through the eyes of your child. You are the queen of their heart...even if right now they don't show it.


  1. So true my friend. I think it's good that we still feel bad when we have " moments." It reminds us that we always need God. Thanks for sharing and honesty.

    1. So true my friend! Our children bring us closer to Him for sure!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this post and admire your transparency! I have so many days like this! Praise God for his grace as well as our children's grace for us.

    1. Thanks Bre! Yes! Let's praise the Lord through it all! I wouldn't be able to do it without Him!

  3. Love this!! Thanks for the encouraging words and the reminder!!

    1. Thanks Jolie! You truly are the Queen of your boys' hearts!!


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