Restart Activity #2: Thrifting

This is the 3rd post in my Restart Series. If you want to read more visit my last post here.

Last week I was feeling a little trapped. Do you know the feeling? It usually hits me like a brick! I'll be satisfied; feeling really happy with my current situation and then 💥BAM💥!!! The kids feel like heavy shadows, the house walls are closing in, I yell more, I cry more, I feel vulnerable and I just want to sleep. This is when I know I need a restart! 

I am human. We are human. There will be times in our lives when we are overcome with sadness, feeling trapped, and restless. Give yourself grace and have it draw you closer to Him. And then know there are great things on this side of heaven for us to enjoy to get us through it. One of those things for me is thrifting! (Click here for my thrifting tips)

Last week, I gathered up my two toddlers and visited a new thrift store. I had one item on my list; find an old wooden bread box. The kind that was kept on the counter during times when refrigerators were half the size they are now, bread was made fresh weekly and kept in its own box on the counter. So into this new store I went, hand in hand with my toddlers, with a hope of finding a bread box.

I was winding through this small space and smelling something odd in the air (no joke this store smelled awful). As I quickly scanned through the shelves and dragged my kids behind me; I looked up and saw it. I saw it staring down at me from the top shelf just as my 1 yr old collapsed to the ground in protest on the very dirty floor. I snagged it from the shelf, had my 3 yr old help pull the 1 yr old off the floor and headed to the register with my bread box. My $3 DOLLAR bread box was heading to its new home!!!!!!

After: The Bread Box Becomes a Hiding Box!
If you need a restart, first fall into the arms of The One that can fill that space full with true peace; Jesus Christ. Then find something for you; something you enjoy...a hobby, practicing a talent or giving to those you love. May you know the gifts the Lord has given you, find time to do something you enjoy and hit the restart button that works for you.


  1. I like your bread box! It's always an adventure going to stores especially with the littles. I'm glad it was still a successful trip and it was a memorable one indeed. 😂

  2. Thank you! The next one needs to be us together!


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