Restart Activity #3: Reaching Out To Others In Need

This is the 3rd post in my restart series. The first two post were about have a quiet time and finding a hobby you love. Thanks for coming along with me!

When I'm feeling sorry for myself, I sometimes blame it on my difficult week, month or even year. However, if I'm honest, most of the time it really stems from self-pity. Pity as defined by Webster states "the feeling or suffering of one person, excited by the distresses of another." So According to this, self-pity means I am just looking at MYSELF and the struggles I'M going through.

Ouch. Admitting self-pity is so hard. I have the tendency to blame it on something outside of myself. Something like, the kids didn't nap today, my 3 yr. old has many tantrums, my 1 yr. old cries a lot, I had a fight with my husband...again, the lack of time to complete tasks...on and on it goes. Ultimately it's me that decides to feel sorry for myself.

There will be times in our life where we face darkness or great sadness that are not related to self-pity. Times that will require extra support, professional help, medication or just time to heal. However, when those every day regular struggles get me down, I have a different remedy. 

In my experience, the best medication for self-pity is reaching out to someone else in need. When I remember I'm not the only one that struggles; I also know I'm not the only one in need. Webster's 1828 dictionary continues by saying "in the Bible, the word pity usually includes compassion accompanied by some act of charity or benevolence, and not simply a fellow feeling of distress." While I could certainly do great charitable things for myself; it wouldn't be as rewarding.

So, I try to move past myself and bring a special coffee to a stressed friend, bags of tea to someone sad, dinner for a sick mom, or an offer to babysit when hands feel full. This pulls me out of my own pit and gives me the restart I need! This makes me realize I can be thankful for the struggles I'm facing because ultimately its made me who I am today.

May you know Christ can meet your needs, accept His grace and let Him fill you so you can fill others. Who can you reach out to today, this week, month or next year?


  1. Thank you for sharing this. You have helped me a lot. I really aporeaciate you Dot.

  2. Thanks sweet friend. It convicts me when I read these. Hopefully it's received gently when others read it.


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