Childhood Gifts That Will Not Fade

The Lord has designed a unique path for each of us to follow. Sometimes  we will face battles that steer us away from that unique path. I'm not talking about the squabble between your 2 and 3 year old this morning or the morning struggle to get out the door. I'm talking about the battles that happen deep within ourselves. One battle in particular that I'm thinking of is the feeling of inadequacy. There are lies that fester saying "I'm not doing enough." or "look at what they do with their kids." Sandwich inadequacy between envy and discontent and you have a full on war within you. This war will continue until we give up those lies and open up our eyes to the unique gifts the Lord has cultivated in us. "In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well..." Romans 12:6. Did you catch that? We are given different gifts!!! I challenge you to put that inadequacy, envy and discontent sandwich in the trash and come along with me as I encourage you in your own unique gifts!

There are many pieces to the legacy we are giving to our children. I believe one of those pieces are the passions and hobbies we have as moms. During each stage of our mothering these gifts and passions will depend on things like our children's ages, current life responsibilities, family dynamics, etc. Discovering your gifts and passions might come easy and sometimes it might be hidden beneath the service as you simply try to manage life with family, work or school. I'm here to tell you; the talent and gifts are there.  Have you thought about how you can or already are cultivating those same gifts within your own children? What childhood memory do you have that has been a gift for you?  Let me give you some examples:

When I was growing up I remember waking up in the morning with a small bit of light streaming down the hallway from the living room. I would tip toe out and there would be my mom wrapped in a blanket, with her bible and journal open. She gave me a gift through her Bible Studies. She showed me the importance of being in the Word and she did it every day. This was her gift to me. (Mom, If you're reading this: I love you!)

Does your current life stage have you in school or studying? Did you know you're giving the gift of diligence, persistence and commitment (just to name a few) to your children as they observe your dedication? They see you working hard towards a goal. You are giving them gifts.

Is their a hobby you enjoy but sometimes feel guilty for taking the time away from your kids or home to devote to it? Maybe your hobby is lettering, painting, sewing or building with wood? When you make the time for this hobby; you're giving the gift of creativity to your children. They see the plans and practice it takes to complete the work. You are giving them gifts.

Do you enjoy cooking and baking? You probably love spending time in the kitchen trying new recipes and making a delicious mess!! When you hand your child that mixing spoon and allow them to measure the ingredients you are gifting them with culinary expertise! They begin to understand the science, math and love within baking. This is your gift to them.

Are you committed to homeschooling your children? You strive to provide an educational environment that supports growth in all developmental areas of your child's life! I'm sure there are days when the struggle is real. You are giving them a love of learning as a gift. This gift makes the struggle well worth it.

Are you in a fulltime career that you absolutely love? You're committed to this career while also holding your family as priority? This is giving your children the gifts of responsibility, hard work and balance (to name a few).  Know the quality of time you spend with your children far outweighs the quantity. You are giving them gifts as you grow in your career.
For me, my passion has been early childhood for as long as I can remember. The passion has faded during certain stages of my life but I always come back to it with great excitement. So I love creating and planning activities with my little ones. This passion is one reason why I started this blog! I'm thrilled with my gift. I know I am cultivating those same gifts within my children too.

DIY Light Box Instructions

These unique gifts have been cultivated within each one of us from our Heavenly Father above. Where ever your gift or passion has you; may you know the Lord has given it to you and may you confidently pass it on to your children as gifts that will not fade. May you use these gifts and passions to follow the "road" our Lord has uniquely planned for you! Finally, may this be our prayer: Lord, I want to honor and appreciate the gifts you have granted other moms. Give me satisfaction with the gifts and passions you have given me. I want to know "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights..." James 1:17.

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Instagram: @at_home_with_dot


  1. This is so beautiful and so well written! Yes and amen to all of it, I couldn't agree with you more! Envy and jealousy only steal our joy and dampen the creativity God has placed in each of us. Everything you wrote is such an important lesson for each of us!

    1. Thank you for your sweet encouragement! I write to encourage myself in the very areas I struggle in! 👌🏼


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