Anticipation Like A Little Child

Start The Day With The Anticipation
Of A Little Child
The sound of kids in the house (as long as it's not screaming or fighting) can really be enjoyable. It's rewarding to hear laughter of siblings, group efforts in a building project or the mumblings of a toddler reading herself a book. I truly and honestly do not slow down as much as I should in these moments. Just stopping to watch the interactions can be therapeutic to the soul. Then there is the sound when they're all in bed...silence...accept for the whirling of the fan in the hallway. I covet this time in the evening when the house is still. It's the time in the day where the kids are not pulling, asking, crying, wanting, messing, and and and...Eventually I'll crawl into bed out of exhaustion but I want to stay up and enjoy this still quiet house, this couple time...this me time.

And then when sleep comes it's a beautiful thing! Sleeping is so great and then having to get up in the morning is so very hard. It's hard because I'm tired and I'm also anticipating a day of more pulling, asking, crying, wanting, messing. Oh beautiful sleep how I want so bad to hold on to you in the morning. Unfortunately, our kids haven't really embraced that same opinion (maybe in their teen years?).

In the morning, they are ready to jump out of bed and run down the hallway (well the 1 and 3 yr old would if they could get out of their cribs). What motivates them so? Why are they full of smiles and excited for this new day? How do they do it? It's just going to be another day of playing with the same toys again, walking around the same back yard, maybe a trip to the store, maybe see a friend. It's a day just like every other day but obviously not to them. They anticipate this day with fresh eyes, a chance to try a new cereal, an opportunity to find a missing toy under the couch, drawing a new picture, being held by someone they love, seeing the gift of just being at home.  There's no place like home. This gift is one I take for granted. I need to treasure each day the way my littles do.

So, unlike my children I will continue to love my sleep. However, may I try to approach the day with the same excitement they have. May I slow down so I can see the day the way they do. May I do my best to sit and observe my littles and even participate more in their new discoveries each day. May I NOT focus on the pulling, asking, crying, wanting, messing, and and and...May I have anticipation of a new day like a little child.


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