Potty Learning

This is a hot topic for me! Mainly because our 3.5 year old is currently still working on this. I don't have a quick solution to push this milestone along. Really pushing this one a long may create more heartache and headache than needed. I have heard of these magical potty learning experiences where the child is completely potty learned in a weekend! Wow! That's so very awesome! I still have yet to witness this miracle in my own house and I don't anticipate it ever happening. So, I chose to stop reading posts about these miracle potty trained children because I was just encouraging disappointment in my life. I don't have the answers but I do have some tips to help encourage you in this potty learning endeavor. 

* I like using the word "learning" over training because we're not dogs, right? And the term learning just gives the idea of process instead of immediate success.

Do Their Diapering In The Bathroom

* From the time they're born we've created the habit of always changing the baby in the bathroom. They're not aware at first but it creates a habit for us as the parent. Once they are aware, it begins to send the message that "this is where potty stuff happens."

* Include them at a young age in the tasks around potty time. For example, assisting in the undressing and dressing, having them help put their new diaper on, complete the last wiping once the area has been cleaned, wash their hands, etc.

* Make it fun! We allow the children to hold a special book or computer toy that is just for potty time. This encourages the child to slow down and stay a while. I also purchased this fun and hilarious book shown below! Its a "lift the flap" book I found on Amazon and I highly recommend it! There are plenty of other books and videos geared towards children about potty time that you can use as well!

A Perfect Book To Accompany Their Learning
* Observe your child in the three following developmental areas to see if they are ready to move forward in this potty learning journey.
    1. Physical development: Are they physically able to take their clothes off, move on and off the potty, open the bathroom door, etc. If not, this may be the place to encourage them first! For example, have them help you put their pants on in the morning and take them off at night. Is their body physically capable of holding in their prized possession until they reach the toilet? That's a hard physical ability too!!!    
    2. Mentally Ready: Ask yourself, "does my child understand what is expected of them? Do they know pee and poo go in the toilet?" Do they recognize when they poo and pee and verbalize those terms to you? If not, start increasing that language with them and have them even watch you do it. For most of us with littles, we have child shadows while we're on the potty. This is a great potty learning opportunity too!
    3. Emotionally Ready: This is usually the last area to adjust. Really its about creating a new habit. For all their life they have only known "my toilet goes with me where ever I go." How convenient is that?!!! They don't even have to stop playing! Life is REAL good! Now they are expected to stop what they're doing, interrupt their play and sit on this (sometimes scary) porcelain bowl. Lets be honest, I have comfort habits I'm not giving up anytime soon. Like the habit of daily needing chocolate in the middle of the day. Yup not giving that one up. So, its the same with our littles, this is a VERY big deal for them to give up.   
* Create a consistent schedule. Incorporate into your routines of the day specific times when the child should expect to sit on the potty. This is our current potty routine (keep in mind our 3 year old is able to hold it for long periods of time) * upon waking in the morning, before snack, before lunch, before nap, before dinner, after dinner and before bedtime.
Even with these tips I've shared, my emotions get the best of me regarding potty learning. I want success quickly and that's not always the case. And isn't that the same in so many areas of our lives? God stretches us and molds us in the process; not quick but slow. And boy is He in this area of my mothering! There have been many times where I have lost my patience when accidents occur (just being honest). Its so real right now. You are not alone in this struggle! Our children will eventually get this done! Until then, may you embrace the convenience of diapers while you can!! 

No accidents to clean up and no emotional mommy!! 

Update 1/9/2017
Potty learning for my 3 year old has paid off in ways I wasn't expecting. He still has yet to be fully potty trained or initiate things on his own. However, my 1.5 year old has caught on and has consistently asked to go to the bathroom and delivers each time! I wasnt initiating this process with her. She is taking charge, owning it and I'm am thanking the Lord for this miracle. This is proof each child is different and as parents we need to support their growth and development in different ways as well.

Sharing The Joys Of Childhood To Inspire The Fun In parenting
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