Goodbye Mommy Guilt

Me And My Littles
When I had just one I tried my hardest to do everything just right. With just one, I planned daily activities, implemented all my child development knowledge and experience, made sure he spent little time in his car seat, no TV, and again planned more activities. No joke, it was hard with one (and I made it harder then it needed to be with all my expectations). I don't think I truly appreciated the time with just one, until #2 came a long, then #3 and then #4 and then guilt sprinkled among each of those arrivals. Wait! What? Guilt?
Yup, guilt, big time.

Guilt because I thought I wasn't doing enough. Guilt because I looked back on my time with one and I wasn't doing things the same. Guilt because my time was divided. Guilt because I wasn't "practicing" everything I learned during my formal education. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.

It wasn't until recently that I realized this guilt I decided to put on myself was all due to my expectations (and maybe a little comparison too). Who said I needed to do the same things I did when I just had one child? Me. Who said I needed to make sure I spend the same amount of time with each child? Me. Who said I needed to "practice" everything I learned in my formal education? Me. The battle of expectations is still real and something I'm working on (sometimes daily). My Savior and Father never meant for me to live in guilt around the four precious littles he has blessed me with.

So, I will continue to try and remove myself from my own expectations, rest in the arms of my Savior and trust The One that has given me just what I need to be the best mom in each moment. May you be able to rest in these arms as well. May you know that Christ has created you to be the mom to your littles (or bigs or grandkids) and you're the perfect mom to do it.


  1. Feeling guilty is a choice. Glad to remind you to choose joy! And why does this comment thing work on my phone & NOT my lap top? �� And emojis? If only I didn't have to use my glasses.

    1. I love you! Thank you for the great example of a mom you are to me!

  2. What a beautiful reminder. Thank you ♥️

    1. I wrote it out just to keep me accountable in this very real battle. We must choose no guilt!


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